This is a great tip I picked up at a bed and breakfast in the south of France. Mix fake roses with real roses. Sounds crazy I know but trust me it’s genius!

fakeflowers11. Place your fakes in a vase filling it up about 1/2 way.







fakeflower22. Add in your real roses. I also added in rosemary because it looks gorgeous and smells amazing! This tip is great because you double your arrangements for 1/2 the cost and you can’t tell the difference! Seriously, no one could tell which ones were fake and which ones were real when I showed them. Can’t beat that!


I did the same thing in a glass pitcher to go on my kitchen counter and a small vase to go by my front door. Check out these before and afters. It’s crazy, you really can’t tell the difference, I must say this is my new favorite trick!!!














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