I was hosting a holiday brunch and was sick of my same linen place mats I usually use for holiday entertaining. I wanted to spice up my table. I looked everywhere for place mats that blew my skirt up but I couldn’t find them so I made them myself and now you can to. Trust me I’m not an expert seamstress by any means but this is very simple and idiot proof.

You will need: 2-3 yards of fabric depending on how many you are making, pins, scissors, matching thread and a sewing machine.

1. Take a place mat that you like and measure it. Take those measurements and add an inch to all four sides drawing it onto pattern, construction or even newspaper making a pattern and cutting it out. The pattern will ensure that you cut all of your place mats out to the same size.

2. Using your pins attach your pattern to your fabric. Cut it out.

photo-31-300x2253. Using your pins with your fabric right side down pull back the top and bottom an inch and pin it.






photo-32-300x2253. Sew the top and bottom.






photo-35-300x2254. Cut the extra fabric off and repeat pinning and sewing the sides.







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