photo-444111Looking for a last minute thoughtful Father’s Day gift idea? Look no further.

Here is a quick, simple and inexpensive way to make and customize coasters! First I headed over to Home Depot and picked up a bunch of small square tiles at 16 cents a piece! Printed out some cute pictures of my fiance’ Nikkis’ adorable kids and our pets as well.


photo-1-2-e13713366138291Next, I cut the pics out and using a glue stick or adhesive spray adhered them to the tiles and last but not least covered the entire tile and photo with a thin layer of decoupage available at Michaels for under $3.






photo-3-e13713367454881Let dry for an hour or two and wrap with a pretty ribbon.

It’s the perfect gift that can be used all year long!

This idea makes a perfect gift for anyone on any holiday or just to show someone you care.



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