pink-roses-big-bouquet-pictureFlowers are my favorite thing in the world. They transform every space making the most simple rooms lavish and beautiful. To me they are a visual masterpiece and the fragrance they give off is just delicious! Being around gorgeous flowers always puts a smile on my face and is one of my main focuses when entertaining.

As you know using a florist is very expensive and this limits you to only using flowers for special occasions. You are really paying for their expertise, and the mark up on the actual flowers is outrageous!

flower-market-scene2After visiting the Los Angeles Flower Mart for the first time and buying flowers wholesale I swore I would never use florists again… No offense to the florists out there but I have so much more fun creating arrangements on my own. I am by no means an expert on flowers but by teaching myself and experimenting, I have had a blast and even the mess ups somehow still look great. I think it is hard to seriously screw up when you are working with beautiful flowers.

Like I was saying, I am fortunate to live in a city where we have a wholesale flower mart. Most cities have them, usually downtown. If that is too far of a drive for you I would suggest getting on google and searching for wholesale flowers in your area. It’s worth it even if you have to have them shipped to you. (It is nessecary to plan what you want to do ahead of time if you have to have them sent) By buying wholesale you will save over 60% and with savings like that having beautiful flowers every week or even every month can be worked into your budget. Just to give you an example I threw an engagement party last month, I wanted to make all of the arrangements out of Casablanca Lillie’s and Hydrangias. I was able to make all of these arrangements ( 1 tall arrangement in a vase, 2 long basket centerpieces, 2 large square centerpieces, and 4 medium centerpieces) all for under $300 including floral foam and the baskets and boxes I used to hold the flowers) If I would have bought these from a florist it would have been well over $1000.00. I stopped by a florist on my way to the flower mart to see the cost difference. $40 per bunch of Casablanca Lillie’s. $40!!! I paid $13 at the mart. That is a huge mark up and you still have to arrange them yourself. Trust me, go wholesale!


Here are some great websites for wholesale flowers:  – This has amazing ceramic boxes and pots!

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