photo-3771Whenever I have guests over I love serving coffee or dessert on beautiful trays. I also find them really useful to serve breakfast in bed on, they’re great when used while lounging around on the couch or a chase if you don’t want to spill your drink and fantastic at holding books or perfume!

Not to mention a wonderful Mother’s Day present on a budget!


I thought it would be fun to see if I could make my own for under $20 and see if they could stand up to ones you would buy at a store for $30 to $40, so I headed over to Michael’s Art’s and Crafts where I bought a wooden tray for $4.99, thin card stock for $.79, Mod Podge for $5 and spray paint for $4.

Lets get started!

21740815411. I spray painted my first tray with a metallic gold spray paint.








2. After it dried, I cut out my card stock to fit the base of the tray. Using mod podge and a sponge, I went over the bottom of the paper first and placed it down on in the base of the tray and then went over the top of the paper with the sponge.






photo-1-2-e13670108876521It will look very white like glue at first but don’t worry it will dry clear. This adheres the paper and gives it a pretty glaze finish at the same time.


3. Wait for it to dry and enjoy!



photo-42-11Here’s the second tray I made but this time I used brown acrylic metallic paint $2 and card stock that looked like cork board.





photo-4-e13670111774381I love adding a few fresh flowers when serving coffee or tea and I used a shot glass as a vase. I know you will love these!

They are fun to make, inexpensive and there are a million cute ways to use them.

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