picture-171-1No one wants stubborn belly fat that refuses to go away.

After receiving lots of requests for delicious healthy recipes that will help banish belly fat I have decided to start posting!

When we are trying to work on our bods and going on diets we all know it can be painful to eat only boring healthy foods. That’s about to change.


jms-028b_1z1Here is one amazing and easy dessert you can make that will keep you healhty and get you on your way to banishing belly fat!

Think of this yummy treat as a cross between Rice Krispies Treats and s’mores.

Mmm…mmm…mmm! These are made from whole grain cereal so you get a5 grams of fiber per serving!




You will need:

1 tbsp trans-free margarine

3 cups standard-size marshmallows

1 tbsp creamy natural unsalted peanut butter

3 cups wheat square cereal

1/2 cup dry-roasted peanuts

1/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips


Step 1. Coat an 8×8 baking pan with cooking spray

Step 2. Melt margarine in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add in the marshmallows and cook, stirring frequently until melted. Stir in the peanut butter, stirring until smooth. Remove from heat, add the cereal and peanuts and stir until well coated.

Step 3. Transfer to pan using a spatula press down until flattened and even. Let cool for 20 minutes.

Step 4. Remove cereal from the pan and set on rack. Place the chocolate chops in a small bowl and melt, then using a small spoon drizzle over the cereal square. Cool completely for 30 minutes and enjoy!

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