food-and-wine21Have you recently had a long night? Maybe you were up late working on an assignment, you had a little too much wine  and Chinese food and you could seriously have used a few more hours of sleep? When you miss out on the ever important beauty sleep after bingeing on salt and or alcohol your skin takes a big hit. No matter what you do it seems you’re just out of luck until your next siesta right? Wrong!

cucumbers1Next time your skin needs s lift and an instant revival try this easy tip using ingredients you already have at home! Grab a cucumber and any cream with caffeine in it. Caffeine is in almost all anti-wrinkle creams. Put this cream under your eyes and all over your face and neckline, then cut up your cucumber and slather it all over your face and neckline.

Do this for 5 minutes and watch the puffiness go away! This works so well because the caffeine brings the water retention in your face down, down, down and the cucumber will make the swelling disappear! Now you’re on your way to more radiant and happy skin without breaking the bank at an expensive spa!

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