Looking for a splash of flowers without making an entire crown?  Maybe a crown feels a little too hippie or whimsical to you, or maybe it just seems like too much work. Dry those tears girl because I have THE PERFECT solution for you! To get a killer pop of flower power in less than 5 minutes all you need is a tiara, a handful of flowers and a hot glue gun. I found my tiara at Michaels Arts & Crafts for $3. Smaller blooms like yellow Daisies are ideal for this look because the type of tiara that works best is a small one. We’re talking 7 years old birthday tiara not Miss USA tiara.  For this project you can use floral wire if you want but honestly, I prefer the glue gun. It’s just so much faster but once again it’s totally up to you. Grab a handful of flowers, cut the stems off all the way to the very base and hot glue or wire onto the tiara. I have say this is my all time favorite piece of floral fashion because it is so quick, super simple and compliments any outfit with the perfect pop of color and fun!

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